Bigscreen announced its thin and light PC VR headset, Bigscreen Beyond, is facing delays in production, which the company says will see shipping dates for initial preorders pushed later into October and November.
Varjo Cuts Price of High-end Aero PC VR Headset by 50%
Varjo, the Finland-based creator of high-end XR headsets, announced their businesses and prosumer-focused SteamVR headset Aero is now permanently 50% off its original $2,000 price tag.
Immersed Opens Pre-orders for Slim & Light ‘Visor’ VR Headset, Starting at $500
Immersed, the team behind the titular XR productivity and co-working app, announced Visor last month, a slim and light VR headset designed for work.
Thin & Light PC VR Headset Bigscreen Beyond Now Shipping in US
Bigscreen announced it’s now shipping Beyond, the company’s thin and light PC VR headset unveiled earlier this year.
Created by the same team behind the Bigscreen Beta VR app, Bigscreen Beyond is a tethered PC VR headset that uses Valve’s SteamVR tracking standard.