Meta is finally rolling out the long-awaited travel mode for Quest 2 and Quest 3, ostensibly hacking away another unique feature from Apple Vision Pro.
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Apple Vision Pro, meta airplane travel, meta quest, Meta Quest 3 News & Reviews, News, Quest, quest 3, quest 3 travel mode, quest airplane travel, quest car travel, quest travel mode, vision pro / via roadtovr on
Meta is finally rolling out the long-awaited travel mode for Quest 2 and Quest 3, ostensibly hacking away another unique feature from Apple Vision Pro.
Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro News & Reviews, News, vision pro, vision pro accessories, vision pro travel case / via roadtovr on
Apple probably didn’t actually design its pricey Vision Pro case to be impervious to getting run over by a car. But at least for one thankful customer though, it seems the official carrying case was well worth the extra cash.
Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro News & Reviews, barra, Hugo Barra, Meta, Meta Quest 3 News & Reviews, News, Oculus, Oculus Go, vision pro / via roadtovr on
Hugo Barra, Meta’s former Head of VR, offered some unique insight into the XR industry recently with an extensive blogpost that centers around Apple Vision Pro.
apple effect, Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro News & Reviews, Magic Leap, mako, Rony Abovitz, the apple effect, vision pro / via roadtovr on
Apple’s significant impact on the market tends to draw attention from companies that might not have otherwise entered a specific product category—aka “The Apple Effect.”
Apple Vision Pro, Apple Vision Pro News & Reviews, ben lang, bert nepveu, News, vision pro, XR Industry News / via roadtovr on
The Voices of VR Podcast never misses an opportunity to document the ongoing history of the XR space. With Vision Pro now in the hands of many, host Kent Bye recently interviewed two XR insiders that have been part of the industry for more than a decade each.